Walking our Midnight Walk in memory of Lee
“St Luke’s took the reins we didn’t know how to steer and guided us with gentle hands right through to the very end.”
Like many of the walkers taking part in our Midnight Walk on Friday, Danielle Craig, a Learning Support Practitioner at Duchy College, will be taking on the walk in memory of someone special, her late husband Lee.
At the age of 23, Danielle met Lee Westcott, 25 while a student at Duchy College. Danielle describes the first three weeks of them meeting like a ‘whirlwind’, however reality was soon to hit as Lee was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.
“Months of chemotherapy, months in hospital, a bone marrow transplant and months of recovery later, we finally had a chance to be a somewhat ‘normal’ couple, with meals out, date nights and a summer ball,” she recalls.