
Patients and carers

At St Luke’s we want to make sure you have as much information and support as possible. On this page you’ll find a list of useful organisations and websites for those dealing with a life limiting illness in Devon and Cornwall. For any further information about support available to you or your family from St Lukes’ please contact our social care team.


Dying Matters. Information from Dying Matters. Created primarily for people approaching the end of their life, and their carers, relatives and friends. It will also be of interest to anyone thinking about what they want for their own end of life.

NHS end of life guide. This NHS guide is for people who are approaching the end of their life. Some parts of it may also be useful for people who are caring for someone who is dying, or people who want to plan in advance for their end of life care.

Jeremiahs Journey. Support for children from Plymouth and the immediate surrounding area when they have experienced or are anticipating the death of someone special.


Access Plymouth. Formerly known as Plymouth Shopmobility and Community Transport, is a local charity offering access to community cars, shopmobility and ring and ride bus services.

Advance care planning. Advice on advance care planning from St Luke’s.

Age UK. One of the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life.

Blue Badge. Check your eligibility and fill in an application form to apply for or renew a Blue Badge.

Benefits advice. Advice and information from the Department of Work and Pensions.

Bereavement payment. Information from Government on Bereavment Payment.

Call 24hour. Personal safety alarms and telecare, 24 hours, 7 days a week monitoring and call response service.

Cinnamon Trust. The only specialist national charity for people in their last years and their much loved, much needed companion animals. A network of 15,000 volunteers “hold hands” with owners to provide vital loving care for their pets.

Devon Home Choice. Affordable housing options in Devon.

Energy UK. Help to avoid energy disconnection.

Family tracing. Family tracing service from The Salvation Army.

Government benefits enquiry line. Benefits advice from the Government.

Money Advice Plymouth. Free independent, confidential advice from Money Advice Service Plymouth.

MDNA benefits advice. Advice and information from the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

NHS guide to social care and support. For people who have care and support needs, their carers and people who are planning for their future care needs.

Plymouth Online Directory. Local health and wellbeing and support for carers from Plymouth Online Directory.

Plymouth Foodbank. Part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Plymouth Community Homes. Affordable housing from Plymouth Community Homes.

Plymouth Community Meals. Freshly prepared hot meals to your door from Plymouth Community Meals.

Pension tracing. Pension tracing service advice from Government.

RADAR key. National key scheme for access to public toilets.

Register a death. Plymouth area.

South West Water. Support paying your water bill if you are on reduced income or benefits.

Turn2Us. A national charity that helps people in financial hardship gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.

TASS. Tavistock Area Support Services for support in West Devon.

Warm Home Discount Scheme. £140 off your electricity bill under the Warm Home Discount Scheme.

Widow and Young. Support for men and women widows, aged 50 or under.


Alzheimer’s Society. Support for people facing dementia.

British Heart Foundation. Support for patients with heart disease.

Brentor & Moor Compassionate Neighbours. Support for people living in and around Dartmoor.

British Lung Foundation. Support for patients facing lung disease.

Cancer Research UK. Support for patients facing cancer.

Citizens Advice Plymouth. Supporting people to improve quality of life in Plymouth.

Devon County Council social care. Social care support in Devon.

Domiciliary care. St Luke’s Care offers a range of paid-for services to support adults of any age with illness, disability or frailty, to continue to live in their own ho

Elder Tree. Plymouth befriending service for people aged 50 and over.

Improving Lives Plymouth. Supporting people to improve quality of life in Plymouth.

Homeless or at risk. Advice from Plymouth City Council if you are homeless or at risk.

Harbour. Drug and alcohol support in Plymouth.

Livewell Southwest. Home services available from Livewell Southwest including district nursing care.

Marie CurieIf you or someone you’re close to has a terminal illness, Marie Curie are here to support you. There are a range of ways they can help you, from clear, useful information about living with a terminal illness to expert nursing care in your home.

Motor Neurone Disease Association. Support for patients with Motor Neurone Disease.

Mustard Tree cancer support. Support center based in Derriford Hospital.

Plymouth Hospitals. Official website for Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust incorporating Derriford and Mount Wise hospitals.

PATH. PATH a charity supporting vulnerable and homeless people in Devon.

Red CrossHealth and social care support from British Red Cross.

Royal British LegionPractical support to serving men and women, veterans and their families from Royal British Legion.

Saltstone Caring. Community support in the South Hams.

Support for carers. Help and support for carers from Plymouth City Council.

SSAFA. SSAFA (the Armed Forces charity) providing specialist services and practical, emotional and financial support to forces personnel and their families.

Shekinah. Devon based charity that provides opportunities for people in recovery or seeking recovery.

St Mary’s Church Plympton bereavement groupGroup for recently bereaved at St Mary’s Church Plympton.

Triangle Centre. Staffed by experienced cancer nurses, therapists and trained volunteers. They are here to help cancer patients and their families navigate through their treatment closer to home.

Willow Foundation. A charity that organise special days for seriously ill young adults aged 16-40.