
Medical students

Welcome to the St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth section for 4th year medical students of Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine. You will find important information about your palliative care attachment here. This includes timetables with clear learning objectives for each week, important induction information, links to clinical cases to work through and downloads that will aid you in your clinical feedback sessions.

Induction information

Contact details. Key contacts for personnel across all St Luke’s sites.

Guidance for medical students. Guidance for Medical Students on the Palliative Care Programme.

Induction overview. An overview and induction to assist with your first few days at St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth.

Library and computer access.  Help with your time at St Luke’s.


Pallied.com. The palliative care education resource website.

Palliative care formulary by South and West Devon formulary referral.

Palliative care guidelines. This website hosts the PANG Palliative Care Guidelines developed by a collaboration of UK Health organisations.

Reading list. Recommended reading list.

E-ELCA. Registration instructions.

ELFH Modules Recommended ELFH modules

Introduction to hospice and palliative care

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