

The clinical treatment and care provided by St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth and its wider services is subject to regular and in depth monitoring to:

  • Maximise the quality of care provided
  • Reduce the risk of adverse clinical events
  • Ensure consistent quality of care across the St Luke’s service, regardless of setting

We have governance structures and processes in place that aim to be responsive to upcoming priorities and evidence, adverse events and near misses within St Luke’s.

There’s an ongoing programme of reporting which includes the monitoring of incidents and near misses, drug errors and complaints and identification of areas requiring improvement by the use of audit. Changes in practice or processes are introduced, where appropriate, in line with findings from review and assessment processes.

Our clinical governance structures and processes complement those of our NHS partners as closely as possible across our clinical settings.

The clinical services we provide are regulated by the Care Quality Commission, who carry out an annual inspection.

View the Care Quality Commission online.

Our specialist unit at Turnchapel

The establishment is run by St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth, which is a registered charity number 280681, VAT registration number 108 2418 38 and a company limited by guarantee, number 1505753. St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth, the Registered Provider, operates from:

St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth,
Stamford Road,
01752 401172

This site is regulated for the following activities:

  • Treatment of disease, disorder and injury
  • Diagnostic and screening procedures

Our management team and Trustees

The responsible individual is the Deputy Chief Executive and the registered manager is the Head of Quality and Compliance. Please contact these individuals at:

St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth,
Stamford Road,
01752 401172

Our management team report to our board of trustees, please visit our dedicated trustees section for more information.

View our recent CQC report.