
BLOG: Happy 70th Birthday NHS from St Luke’s

The National Health Service is turning 70 on 5 July 2018. It’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of one of the nation’s most loved institutions, to appreciate the vital role the service plays in our lives, and to recognise and thank the extraordinary NHS staff – the everyday heroes – who are there to guide, support and care for us, day in, day out.

At St Luke’s we are proud to work alongside our NHS professionals at the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust.

With 30% of all St Luke’s patients cared in hospital and last year our team of doctors and nurses delivering 4,436 visits to the hospital wards, Derriford and the NHS have a special place in the hearts of our staff.

We caught up with St Luke’s Consultant in Palliative Care, Sioned Evans based in Derriford to find out what the NHS means to her.