Tips for coping with grief at Christmas
Mindful of just how hard it can be facing Christmas when you are missing a loved one who has died, Clare has shared some coping strategies for getting through the season:
Talk to friends and family: We all grieve in different ways and you may need to let them know how you are feeling.
Include the person in some way: Perhaps raise a toast, light a candle, listen to their favourite music or read a poem.
Give people permission to talk about the person: Family and friends might worry about upsetting you. Try to let them know it’s healthy and helpful for you to share memories.
Enjoy the company of others: You don’t need to feel guilty about having fun. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, and no timescale. Equally, it’s fine if you prefer to spend time alone.
It’s alright to change your plans: Explain to others that you might need to alter your plans at the last minute because grief can come in waves.
Be kind to yourself: Self-compassion is important, so don’t beat yourself up about any so-called ‘negative’ emotions. Remember, too, that like all seasonal holidays, Christmas will soon pass.
“Of course, everyone is different so some of these strategies and tips may work for you, while others may not. Above all, remember that it is both healthy and normal to grieve, cherishing our memories of those we have lost.”