
BLOG: Easyfundraising with St Luke’s

Great news! At no cost to you, you can now help our care reach more people who desperately need it simply by doing everyday shopping online at retailers including, but not limited to, Amazon, M&S, John Lewis, ASOS and Argos.

We’re registered with easyfundraising, a great site with over 3,300 big name retailers.

Each time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ at no charge to you.

You could make a difference of £40 by booking your holiday this way, for example, or £30 when you purchase your car insurance.

It’s completely free, and so far over £20 million has been raised for charities around the country.

Doing your online shop with easyfundraising really will make a difference, so please help us raise as much as possible by signing up today – and tell family and friends about it, too! Thank you.